4th International Conference "Improving The Success of Homeopaty: Bridging The Credibility Gap"

London - Reino Unido
Date: 03/04/2003 - 04/04/2003


Tel.: + 44 (0) 20 7391 8823
+ 44 (0) 20 7391 8812 FAX
Mrs.Amy Bowrin,MBE-Academic Unit

Available languages: English
Observations: Organising Committee:
Dr.Peter Fisher-Director of Research
Drs.Robbert van Haselen-Deputy Director of Research
Prof.Flávio Dantas-Professor of Homoeopathy and Medical Ethics, University of Uberlândia,Brazil
Mrs.Amy Bowrin,MBE-Academic Administrator
Local da Conferência:
- Royal Pharmaceutical Society
1 Lambeth High Street
London SE1 7JN
United Kingdon

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