15th World Congress of Psychiatry (WPA): Our Heritage and Our Future = 15º Congresso Mundial de Psiquiatria: Nossa Herança e nosso Futuro

Buenos Aires - Argentina
Date: 18/09/2011 - 22/09/2011


Tel: +54 11 5252 9801
Fax: +54 11 4813 0073

Available languages: English
Observations: A Linguagem Oficial do Congresso será o Inglês
Mais Informações no Site
Medicine, Psychiatry, Community Mental Health Centers, Mental Healing, Mentally Ill Persons, Mental Health Services, Human Rights, Primary Health Care, Rehabilitation Centers, Rehabilitation, Social Support, Homeopathic Therapeutic Approaches, Behavioral Medicine, Mental Health, Delivery of Health Care, Mental Health Assistance, Health Sciences, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, Psiquiatria: Nossa Herança e nosso Futuro

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