The Portal

As a part of the Virtual Health Library for Latin America and the Caribbean, the VHL Brazil aims to converge the Brazilian thematic VHL networks and integrate their information sources network, strengthening them and providing them more visibility through the VHL Brazil Portal. The information sources of VHL Brazil derive from National Thematic VHL instances, obeying their quality criteria and methodology.

VHL Brazil has been developed in the ambit of VHL Public Health, and counted with financial support from the Ministry of Health in Brazil. It was through the partnership between the Brazilian representation of PAHO and the Ministry of Health in Brazil that VHL Brazil was established, and started to be operated through a National Technical Committee, compound by representatives from Brazilian Thematic VHL committees.

Nowadays, the coordination of the VHL Brazil portal is held by the Ministry of Health in Brazil and BIREME/PAHO/WHO.

Suggestions and comments may be sent through our contact area.